How would you express vulnerability, victimization, stoicism, courage, strength. All in one image. This face, this form, this Human expresses all that, so much more to be found in the viewer's own eye. This one face says so many things.
He is Pure
He is Peaceful
He is Benign, nurturing in intent
Do Not Threaten Him or Those He Loves
He will never be the one who starts the fight
Peace is in this Human's nature
So is Survival
I Am Human PURE
You genetically molest nature & grow our food in toxins to to give us cancerous diseases and debilitating conditions making us lifetime pharma Slaves.
You shoot our meat sources with hormones the long term effect of which has proven harmful.
You FORCE vaccines on us made with harvested fetal human stem cells and laced with heavy metal neurotoxins to DUMB US DOWN.
I will not be your next Science Project.
This Man is NOT your Pet GMO.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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