Anonymous Coward 70550610 #racist #conspiracy
Why You Should FEAR Mongrel-Theism...!
Mongrel Theism being defined as the belief/delusion of Kalergi-ites, "Multiculturalism", & NWO stooges, goons, shills & dupes.
The Mongrels have the greatest Mass-Murder Body-Count of any group of people in recorded history.
Body Counts For Mongrels Reach Into Tens-Of-Millions with speculations even higher...!
Mongrel Rule left behind few tangible artifacts -- like architecture or art.
They did leave behind tremendous piles of cadavers (corpses), and legendary stories of slaughter of men, women, children.
What of the incredible bloody legends that surround Mongrel Empire?
Their victims are counted in tens of millions, which probably was 20% of world population at the time.
Mongrels committed genocide everywhere they went from China to Russia to Khwarezm to Baghdad.
Speculation exists that Mongrels Genocided, and killed so many people, there was no-one left to farm and raise live-stock. The Mongrels being Nomadic degenerates did not have the skills, or desire to modify ("Their") behavior and maintain farm-lands,
Famine erupted many perished from starvation. (Similar to what is occurring now.)
Murderous conquests killed so many people that huge swathes of cultivated land returned to forest.
climate change/starvation may have forced them to cut their losses and stop their fearsome war of attrition.
Ruthless tactics and hordes swept across Asia.
One territory after another fell under the overwhelming force of the Mongrels, which would eventually stretch from the eastern shores of China. A series of successful forays in Hungary and Poland made even Europe seem within reach of Mongrel Rule.
Mongrels invaded Greater India, Anatolia.
By 1240, Kiev had been sacked and the Mongrel horde was advancing west. Their cavalry and siege tactics were laying waste to the cities of Europe.
[Mongrel siege tactics were known as "Kharash" or "Kheresh"
Mongrels slaughtered an estimated 1 million Hungarians: Troops, clerics, nobles, knights, and peasants. It was one of the bloodiest defeats of the medieval period.
Everywhere they went they terrorized local populace, killing, exterminating, or moving entire people to other places.
Mongrels and Co. were more of a pack of hyenas than people.
“It was not rare for Mongrel armies to butcher tens of thousands of unarmed men, women, and children in captured towns and the neighboring countryside.
In this the Mongrel armies have had no peers. I mentioned the 1,747,000 people possibly killed in Nishapur.
In 1219 Mongrel army captured Bokhara and allegedly murdered 30,000; and another 30,000 people in capturing Samarkand.
In 1221 a Mongrel army seized Merv and reportedly took 13 days to slaughter 1,300,000 inhabitants.
Historians also record that in 1220 the Mongrels killed 50,000 in Kazvin after it was captured; 70,000 in Nessa, and a similar number in Sebzevar.
It is written that in 1221, the Mongrel Tului slew 700,000 to 1,300,000 people in Meru Chahjan, one of the four main cities of Khorassan in the Northern borderland of Persia. Upon capture the inhabitants were made to evacuate the city, a four-day task. Then they were distributed among the Mongrels and massacred.
It took 13 days to count corpses. Among those who hid from the massacre, 5,000 were killed by Mongrel detachments when they later emerged.
Also, the entire population of Rayy, a city with 3,000 mosques, was slaughtered.
Herat was later captured, but only some 12,000 soldiers and their dependents were killed. However, after the inhabitants later rebelled Mongrels angrily sent a general Noyan against them. The city was recaptured and it took a whole week to burn it down and murder its estimated 1,600,000 people. Many thousands escaped, but Noyan later sought and killed over 2,000 of them.
“Then in 1226-33 there was the nearly total extermination--truly a genocide--of the Tanguts and their kingdom of Hsi-Hsia in China (in the province of Kansu). The Tanguts would not supply horses or auxiliaries for Mongrels war against Khwarizmian.
This was insolence that could not be tolerated.
After winning the war he then turned with vengeance on the Tanguts. Stating - "If it means my death I will exterminate them!"
At his command and with sheer slaughter as its ultimate goal, the Tanguts were defeated in one battle after another and pursued.
According to a Mongrel Bard, "To escape the Mongrel sword, the inhabitants in vain hid in the mountains . . . or, if that were not possible, in caves.
Scarcely one or two in a hundred succeeded. The Fields were covered with human bones."
“Total Annihilation/ genocide”
The population of Western Xia was estimated at 3 million
In September 1227, Emperor Mozhu surrendered to the Mongrels and was promptly executed.
The Mongrels then pillaged Yinchuan, slaughtered the city's population, plundered the imperial tombs west of the city, and completed the effective annihilation of the Western Xia state.