jecoil #wingnut
Submitter’s Note: (admittedly, I did pick this fight (from a post a few years old) but the remark is just so insane I couldn’t help but mention it here; also he blocked me so I couldn’t reply to some of his idiotic statements)
First: Any reputable historian will tell you that the slavery controversy was just ONE SMALL PART of a MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM. Anyone who believes otherwise is a brain-dead robot parroting left-wing PROPAGANDA.
Second, did you bother to check the date on this post? THIS POST IS OVER FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD, YOU GODDDAM MORON. I'm dealing with a death in the family right now, and I don't need your left-wing, America-hating, hate-mongering BULLSHIT historical revisionism showing up in my fucking feed. So go to fucking hell, you retarded bastard.
Third, I don't have time to read your little fucking novel. If you can't respond to a post in just a few short paragraphs, THEN WRITE YOUR OWN GODDAM JOURNAL. Anyone who writes post as long as yours if a fucking attention-whore. Fucking idiot.
FYI I have lived in the South for DECADES and have NEVER heard even ONE person mention the Civil War outside of history class, so it is plain to me that you are not just an IDIOT, you're a GODDAM LIAR as well.
Go fuck yourself, you left-wing hack bastard, and stay the fuck away from me.
PS: If you don't like Alabama, here is the solution: FUCKING MOVE! Go to California or Massachusetts where left-wing sheep like you belong.