molliestanton2869, TheKareem87, and amgguy4319 #conspiracy #moonbat


Another fact: 200 of the burned bodies Oct. 7 were Hamas, as they didn't have the capability of that firepower, which was from idf Apache helicopters with hellfire missiles. Ergo, all burned bodies that day were from idf missiles. The kibbutzes were attacked by idf tanks, as the idf has the Hannibal directive- to attack civilians if you tjink a terrorist is around them.
Hamas had 2 intentions: 1. attack military posts which had been targeting Palestinians and killing them for years, and 2. To kidnap around 200 Israeli civilians to use as bargaining chips to get their thousands of Palestinian prisoners back, most held without charge, tortured, some murdered, including children the idf kidnapped.
As you mentioned some of the debunked myths of that day, it's important to delve deeper, as there was more mythology generated by Israel about Oct. 7.


@changuito10 Hamas attacked in response to the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestine and the illegal, collective punishment blockade and siege of Gaza (not to mention such a blockade is itself an act of war, so another way that Israel started this).



Hannabol Protocol
Then Israel blames Hamas that Israel incinerated its own.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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