thormemeson #elitist
In all you do not get many woke retards in the military outside of political leadership roles. The term "selfish" comes with various contexts someone wrongfully holds onto or gains something at the expense of another. While conservatives and most political moderates uses the term "selfish" to deride those who take things that do not belong to them aka what that person did not produce or receive voluntarily from another. The modern left uses the term "selfish" to upbraid those who want to hold onto something of their own that is demanded by another. Liberals simply see someone with something with what they do not have and decry oppression.
Lets think for a bit whats truly evil is taking by force from others what you never earned or letting people determine their lives with the things they gain through their efforts. The first mentality is that of someone that reduces human lives down to tribal cogs with not sentient thought. This is the meaning of the left humans are mere tool to better their lives. I can think of no more pathetically selfish life than living off others in a house that is more than $250000 dollar house belonging to their parents well into their 30s like socialists.
In all what makes conservatives good is the fact we do not support coercive redistribution; a violation of the voluntary nature of the freedom. We can choose to work or to starve it is all up to us. We can make the choice and ensure all people are capable of making this choice. To control the human life the way the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd demand is an abomination to civil society. They plan to reduce the human condition to slavery. This kind of liberal selfishness is an abomination to all it means to be free. We are self-sufficient, and they are not. So friends be proud of the self sufficiency that these idiots could and never will achieve.