Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The FBI was paying a big time Russian informant (Spy) all the way back to 2017, while at the SAME TIME they were accusing me of working with the Russians in the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax. In other words, they knew their case against me was, with all of the money and man hours spent, a Fraud!

@realdonaldtrump They run the US like a third world country. The US government is a joke. Thank you Mr. President for exposing them.

@realdonaldtrump If people within the FBI don't go to jail over this, they got away with it. There is no justice. There is no respect for our government as it is.

I wish Trump had actually been pro-Russia. Russia is the last hope for humanity on this New World Order infested planet. God bless Mother Russia. Any young Russians who hate their country can come to California ( you know who you are you Russia bashing Russians on YouTube). All the Russians I've known who came here have voluntarily gone back. They realize it sucks. How many Mexicans or El Salvadorans or even more so Somalis or Haitians ever go back? Russians come and then go back. That should tell you something.

@realdonaldtrump The Trump vaccine helped kill useless eaters.

@WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump The vaccine was patented and ready in 2015, All Trump did was expose their plan!

@joelray59 @WhiteMansBible @realdonaldtrump And he promoted the Vaccine that's killed millions didn't save anyone.

@joelray59 @realdonaldtrump He willfully surrendered with Operation Warp Speed and fled to Florida and now is looking to defraud his supporters out of million$ AGAIN.

@realdonaldtrump communist country now!



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