[Rentboy.com, a gay escort site, was taken down by the US government.]
Why would Obama suddenly bring the hammer down on homosexual prostitution?
Maybe, in the wake of the Ashley Madison hack, he wants to get all the client information from this website in federal custody to protect the identities of his political and social friends who may be customers.
Or Obama believes, with homosexuality being the flavor of the year in the world of sexual abnormality, this is the moment to haul homosexual prostitutes into court and get some federal judge to rule that prostitution cannot be made illegal under the United States Constitution.
And his best chance to get the favorable ruling he wants, given the current cultural zeitgeist, is if the defendants in courts are homosexual prostitutes rather than heterosexual ones. What politically correct judge today would dare to rule against the sin of sodomy anywhere at anytime?
In other words, Obama is pursuing this action not because he wants to punish homosexual prostitutes but because he wants the Supreme Court to exonerate them.
"Or Obama believes, with homosexuality being the flavor of the year in the world of sexual abnormality, this is the moment to haul homosexual prostitutes into court and get some federal judge to rule that prostitution cannot be made illegal under the United States Constitution. "
That would be the most pointless action ever. Shut down a prostitution web site simply to take them to to court just so they can lose the court case and legalize prostitution. What?
Oh Fischface are you worried that your name is up on Rentboy? Is Lively not enough for you anymore?
The site was shut down because it's illegal. GOD YOU'RE SO STUPID!
Fisch-head, just come out of the closet, already!
"Why would Obama suddenly bring the hammer down on homosexual prostitution?"
Oh, I dunno. Just ask Ted Faggard. NEXT ! [/Josh Buggar]
Maybe, in the wake of the Ashley Madison hack, he wants to get all the client information from this website in federal custody to protect the identities of his political and social friends who may be customers.
Bullshit .
@ creativerealms
It may be pointless to you, me, or Obama, but you forget that Bryan Fischer and the AFA are rather fond of pointless lawsuits.
I'm disturbed by the sheer bat-shit insanity these people can produce in the name of battling the so called gay menance. I can't really wrap my head around the sheer insane troll logic these people use to justify their bigotry. Can some enlighten me, or at least provide some high proof booze to ease the burn of the stupid?
++"this is the moment to haul homosexual prostitutes into court and get some federal judge to rule that prostitution cannot be made illegal under the United States Constitution."
If only. The criminalization of prostitution -- literally the telling of consenting adults when and why they may engage in sex -- is one of the most egregious of the indefensible religious laws still on the books.
You know, I would think that Bryan would be happy that the site would be shut down because it promotes homosexuality. Then again, if Bryan is a customer of the company, and unlike Josh Duggar, he doesn't want to get caught.
The original comment is typical of a demonically possessed individual. Devil is the father of lies (John 8:44), so it's not surprising that some false Christian would be suffering such satanic delusions.
Mister Spak:
"Or maybe because many gay prostitutes are children thrown out on the street by their politically correct parents, Obama wants these victims of your death cult protected instead of exploited. "
There two reason for such to happen: one-parents aren't true Christians, or two-they live in a state that made therapy against homofaggotry illegal, and they have no other choice. Either way, it is satanists (Matthew 12:30) like you that deserve all the blame.
In the name of the Lord,
Your neighborhood fundamentalist
All Jerry is missing is abortion, school prayer, and a mention of Jesus for a complete set of the Fundie Greatest Hits. Classic tracks such as demons, demonic possession, Satanists, No True Scotsmen, homophobia, and more folks can be yours for the low price of 19.99! Hours and hours of lulz at the sheer insanity and irrational beliefs of our favorite breed of religious zealot. Order now, and we'll throw in the rantings of Jerry, your neighborhood bigot and zealot. Hours of lulz at his idiocy and ignorance. Quite a deal folks!
Signed. An amused bisexual male
@FundieVision Inc.
I read all that in Billy Mays' voice, and I almost fell out of my chair. Bravo good sir. *hat tip*
Fun fact: The term "faggot" is generally considered offensive, and if you want people to not immediately dismiss you as a backward-thinking hatemonger, you might want to try being less of an asshole.
Not that I really care, I enjoy reading the others here tear you a new one(or five), but I can't imagine it's doing good things for your self-image.
I too believe that this is a political ploy by Obama, but not for the reasons cited by Fischer. What will happen is that an awful lot of the self righteous religious right, who were against same sex marriage and homosexuality in general, will turn out to have been customers of Rentboy.com. This happened in Britain in the 80's. Lots of Tories who were rabidly anti homosexual in public tended to be found in homosexual brothels whenever the police were able to raid a brothel. This will expose the far right as gross hypocrites and can only help the Democrats in the forthcoming elections. People tolerate most things except hypocrisy.
"There two reason for such to happen: one-parents aren't true Christians, or two-they live in a state that made therapy against homofaggotry illegal, and they have no other choice."
Because being a decent fucking human being and accepting their own child as who they actually are isn't an option for the "morally superior" fundies.
Noticed you completely ignored my reminder on another quote that no matter what sort of bullshit justification you give you are not authorized to decide who is "really" a Christian , too. Must be awfully convenient to just ignore facts whenever they get in the way of your unbridled hatred for everything and everyone who's not exactly like you.
Because being a decent fucking human being and accepting their own child as who they actually are isn't an option for the "morally superior" fundies. "
If a child is somebody who is attracted to feces, then it is unacceptable and must be fixed. Or such perversion has to be removed from our clean and wholesome community. 2 Cor 6:14
"Noticed you completely ignored my reminder on another quote that no matter what sort of bullshit justification you give you are not authorized to decide who is "really" a Christian, too. Must be awfully convenient to just ignore facts whenever they get in the way of your unbridled hatred for everything and everyone who's not exactly like you. "
We don't hate anybody, and it is the Bible that sets the standard for who is and isn't a Christian. Bible says it, we believe it.
In the name of the Lord,
So, when The Pirate Bay gets taken down, it is an endorsement of video piracy?
Next, Obama will be exonerating pimps of homosexual prostitutes by giving them a room in a prison, sorry - err - federal owned accommodation, complete with a bed, toilet, and provided meals. No doubt that this is a cunning scheme to use their prowess to run a gay prostitute cartel in these institutions and turn the others there gay!
You should be thanking him, Bry. Now there's less chance of your favorite 'family values' crusaders being outed.
...or at least they'll get a brief respite until their shenanigans on Ashley Madison are discovered.
That's something, right?
That's fine and all, Jerry; but when are your houses of cooperative idiocy going to start paying the at lease 17 quadrillion they owe in back taxes to the United States? I mean, if they have opinions against the "homofaggotry", as you called it(nice compound word, for a bigot), well then, they better start paying up sometime soon.
What was it Patrick Henry said? "No taxation without representation"? Well, y'all are representing yourselves for free, and that's the real crime here. Pay up, you sub-human bitches, pay up.
You fail twice: One - all parents are not true christians according to the other not-true christians, and two, homofaggotry is a propagand term not something real, therapy for it is just a scam to make money from gullible fundies. Both ways, it is fundies like you that fail multiple ways simultaneously.
I love how these people seem to think Obama is some kind of Wizard of Oz character in a room full of buttons and levers that control every tiny thing the government does
I'm just glad he hasn't turned off the internet switch like they said he was going to 7 years ago.
@Jelly Jerry
Question: Do you think the KJV is the only version to be trusted, is utterly flawless in every conceivable way, and is the absolute word of your God, as authorised by a past monarch (King James I) of my country, Britain?
Think extremely carefully before answering, Jer.
'Blasphemy'? Jerry doesn't know the half of it!
...oh, and that post you replied to was by me, BTW. I'm still waiting on his reply to my question, requiring only a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer.
One wonders if Jerry - as per Bryan Fischite - has Gay Impulses himself...?! [/Freud]
Learn reading comprehension skills, satanists! Jesus hates you--that's a Biblical fact. Ps. 5:5 But it doesn't have to be this way. You chose to be hated, don't blame anyone but yourselves for this choice.
I personally don't hate you. If I did, I wouldn't have warned you about the Hellfire.
In the name of the Lord,
@Jelly Jerry
Question: Is the KJV the only version to be trusted, is utterly flawless in every conceivable way, and is the absolute word of your God, as authorised by a past monarch (King James I) of my country, Britain?
Just a 'Yes' or 'No' answer required, Jer.
Bryan feels free to throw stones from his glass house because he knows what the likes of himself get up to with their ample free time when they're not talking shit on the airwaves.
They don't need outside sources, the deviance is inherent as revealed pretty regularly, and the inhouse perversions have that super special "don't tell" aspect they just love in their 'fundamentalist Christianity' con.
The only question about Bryan is does he catch or receive or was he the orgy door prize in his youth. Huckabee still winks at him.
This just in folks! If your order The Fundie Greatest Hits now we'll throw in more of the special rantings of Jerry and his # 1 hits such as homosexuality as a perversion, innaccurate comparisons and ignorance of reality, accusing people who disagree with him of being satanists, and hours more of your favorite fundie babbling on the things that dont matter! If you order in the next three hours, shipping and handling is free,
P.S Homosexuality has nothing to do with feces, and only to do with sexual and romantic attraction. A remedical biology class would do you some good Jerry and maybe some porn for some good times. Think of Jesus if you need to Jer, I promise it helps.
An amused and gleeful "Homofaggot" or more accurately, a bisexual male.
Jerry, you should learn that Satanist and non-Christian are not the same thing. One follows LaVey and is a hedonist. The other is just one who is not Christian. Calling others Satanists does not make Satanists look evil. It makes Satanists look often like good guys. Then again you did say your God hates us. Though that does notvmake Him look good. You should at this point admit you're trolling. If you are sincere, however, you, like True2God are hammering the nails into the coffin that is Christianity.
Why are you so concerned about a gay escort site being shut down, Bryan 'Gay Impulses ' Fischite?
@FundieVision Inc
Let's ask him, shall we...?:
Hey, Jerry. A question requiring a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer: Have you ever had any Gay Impulses?
I can answer that extremely easily: No.
Your turn, Jer.
Hey, Jerry. A question requiring a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer: Have you ever had any Gay Impulses?
I can answer that extremely easily: No.
Your turn, Jer. But then, if you personally are NOT one of those given over to a reprobate mind, you'd have no problem answering 'No'.
Like I say: I can answer that question extremely easily: No. So what's your excuse, Jer...?
Hint: Christians ARE those given over to a reprobate mind. [I]Always[/I]. Reprobate deity, reprobate followers. Including [I]you[/I], Jer.
...or, like Bryan Fischite, you [I]do[/I] have Gay Impulses. Your refusal to answer that question with a simple 'Yes' or 'No' will make everyone else come to the only possible conclusion, based on your refusal . I refer you to that linked thread re. Bryan Fischite. One word: Perception .
But there's an alternative question, if answering the above with a simple 'Yes' or 'No' is too complex for your 'Faith'-lobotomised mind: Do you think the KJV is the only version to be trusted, is utterly flawless in every conceivable way, and is the absolute word of your God, as authorised by a past monarch (King James I) of my country, Britain?
Is it, or isn't it...?
Did you forget that the Christians don't need to prove anything to you? We don't need to care about what you think or how you feel. We're here to tell you the truth and Truth. That's it. Those who are of the Elect will hear.
"Hint: Christians ARE those given over to a reprobate mind. Always. Reprobate deity, reprobate followers. Including you, Jer."
Just don't try to claim that you don't rebel against Jesus and His gracious offer of Love, happiness, wholesome living, and Heaven. Your slurs mean nothing, and the parties in Hell been cancelled due to the fire.
In the name of the Lord,
If you don't care what we think, and only a predetermined "elect" will hear your message and convert, then why are you even here defending yourself and trying to convert us? All you're doing is getting in God's way and trying to do His job for Him. Mighty blasphemous of you, but then again what can we expect from someone who quotes the bible while proving he hasn't read a word of it by completely missing the point of Jesus' sacrifice.
..and all you do is confirm the perceptions of everyone here on FSTDT about you; as they did with Bryan Fischite similarly saying & doing anything other than give a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer in that linked quote.
But you can reverse that by answering this question 'Yes' or 'No': Have you ever had any Gay Impulses'?
I haven't. So why so defensive Jer...?!
Also: Do you think the KJV is the only version to be trusted, is utterly flawless in every conceivable way, and is the absolute word of your God, as authorised by a past monarch (King James I) of my country, Britain?
Is it, or isn't it...?
Enquiring minds need to know, Jer.
Stop bearing false witness, judging others, pointing out others' flaws while ignoring your own, & making a show of your faith in public. Those are all condemned in your (poorly translated) Bible, after all.
But then, you're a Pharisee & a coward who follows known liars & frauds, so I don't expect much in the way of Christian decency from you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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