#transphobia #wingnut

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from )
There is evidence of transgenderism-as-mental-health-cure-all everywhere, should one look for it. Transgender activists have a special slang term, “eggs,” to describe future trans people they desire to “hatch.” Just a few days ago one of these perverted groomers, comics author Magdalene Visaggio, posted a guide, “We Are Everywhere: A Field Guide to Clocking Terrified Transfem Eggs.” Along with things like “liking Sailor Moon a lot” and “playing video games with an opposite-sex avatar,” Visaggio’s list of transgender tells includes things like:

* “Dead, dead eye(s)”
* Not taking physical care of oneself
* Feelings of despair, anger, numbness, and disconnection
* Having no plans for five years in the future
* Lacking agency over one’s life
In other words, it’s a long list of depression symptoms. Visaggio then describes how to “hatch” eggs by presenting transgenderism as a path out of depression and suicidal ideation.

The transgender fad in America is creating horrors beyond comprehension— horrors that are ignored by the press and denied by the medical establishment. According to pro-transgender activists, sexual “detransitions” are extremely rare, and usually only a result of a transsexual encountering “transphobia” in real life. But in reality, there are already many ex-trans people. Their harrowing accounts are becoming more and more frequent—and more dreadful. Here is one from just a few days ago. And beware: it’s not for the faint of heart, or weak of stomach.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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