#transphobia #wingnut

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from$5 )
Many children are now socially “transitioning” before they start first grade, and many are receiving the once-unthinkable treatment of puberty blockers. And don’t believe the lie puberty blockers are “fully reversible”—such pills can cause lower IQ, a critical loss of bone density, permanently immature and stunted sexual reproductive organs and genitalia, and lifelong sexual dysfunction; and that’s all before one undergoes a sex “reassignment” surgery. In fact, the same drug given as a “puberty blocker” to tiny little children is also used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

There is no evidence that anyone is secretly, in their brain, born the opposite sex, let alone one person out of seventy in the general population. And recently, the number of transgenders has skyrocketed. But why? A 2020 report from The London Times on GIDS, the U.K.’s top gender clinic, hints at what is really going on:

35 [GIDS staffers] have resigned in the past three years, many alarmed by the rush to medicalisation and the way Mermaids, Instagram trans influencers and the CBBC programme I Am Leo present transition as uncomplicated. They say they are seeing girls with a panoply of other issues — anxiety, depression, self-harm, undiagnosed autism, victims of homophobic bullying and sexual abuse — for whom transition to a male body was presented online as the universal panacea. Often a normal, tom-boyish disgust at their new breasts, eliciting sudden and unwanted sexual attention from men, is interpreted as a certainty that they are in the “wrong body”. Yet instead of interrogating these underlying issues, clinicians are told to “affirm” a young person’s “trans identity” and prescribe the puberty blockers that trans campaigners fiercely insist are their right.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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