Brendan O’Neill #transphobia

Trans: the new ideology of the ruling class

In another training clip, the same woman is shown telling a big lad in a wig that he can’t come into the ladies’ toilet. ‘Wrong door, love’, she says. Nice touch, HR: having the woman say ‘love’ drives home the point that she’s out of touch and, worse, probably from the working class, where words the middle classes hate – ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘doll’, ‘darling’ – still abound. ‘You’re not coming in here’, says the wicked woman to the man who thinks he’s female. To some of us, this looks like an admirable defence of female privacy and dignity in the workplace. But the foreboding voiceover chides and corrects us: it’s actually ‘inappropriate behaviour’.

That’s right – the ‘inappropriate behaviour’ belongs not to the hulking bloke making his way into a woman’s toilet, but to the woman who says, ‘Back off, love’. This is a rank moral inversion. A key demand of the second wave of feminism – the last good wave, in my view – was that women should have the right to work. And thus workplaces should not be hostile to women. Working women should be treated fairly and should have access to private spaces for the purposes of changing, going to the bathroom, etc. This video in which the man intruding on the women’s WC is the good guy, while the woman standing up for her sex is the bad guy, speaks to how thoroughly the trans religion threatens to undo the great gains of women’s liberation.

We are all familiar with the professional women who’ve been persecuted and discriminated against at work under the religious banner of ‘trans rights’. Maya Forstater, Allison Bailey, Rosie Kay, Denise Fahmy, Gillian Philip. Now one wonders how many working-class women are also pressured, day in, day out, to bow to their bosses’ beliefs, even if they don’t share them. To greet an obvious man as ‘Ms’, for example, or to sit through lectures about why it’s bad to stop bepenised people from disrobing or urinating in the same place that you do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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