Various Commenters #racist
(NOTE: Comments in reaction to this article.)
(Francis Galton)
I have often wondered about the 90-10 split in black vs. White violent crime. Given that the NCVS relies on the honesty of the person reporting, I would be surprised if the difference were not actually much greater, something more like 99-1. Blacks have been trained to hate Whites for decades, so when black victims are asked about the race of the perpetrator, many may falsely claim he was White.
(Rich at Large)
A widespread belief is that innocent black people are attacked and maimed and/or murdered by racist white people day in and day out.
Every white-on-black attack is heavily featured in the MSM for months and even years, yet they only have a few cases in the news each year (virtually all of which are justifiable by police). If there were more, we'd know. It's an extreme rarity, whereas all the ephemeral "local news stories" about black-on-white violence leave them nonplussed and don't even seem to register in their consciousness.
I wonder how the blacks and leftists as well would react if whites were raping and killing blacks on the same level they do whites. If they react how they do at just a few white cops killing blacks, how would they if the situation was reversed?
They already act as though whites rape and kill blacks more than blacks rape and kill whites, in defiance of all evidence of reality.
But they deep down know the truth. How often does a black person feel afraid in a crowd of whites as compared to the reverse? My point is imagine if it really WAS the reverse. The media would never report on anything else and it would likely be declared a national emergency.