Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

The Coronahoax is all about one thing: the JFK assassination

Can you remember back to October, 2017? That was when the remaining, sealed JFK assassination records were mandated by Congress to be released. Only the President could defer. Well, what happened? Trump, who ran on "draining the swamp" was pressured by former CIA director and bona fide swamp member Mike Pompeo to re-seal the records. The reason given was that unsealing the records might be damaging to individuals still alive. There were two individuals alive at the time who many believe were involved: Bush Senior and Kissinger. It has long been suspected that Ben Gurion ordered the hit on JFK over JFK's refusal to allow Israel to tip the balance of power in the Middle East and become dominant. There was also an angry letter exchange between the two over Dimona and Israeli nukes. JFK did not want them to have nukes and Ben Gurion felt that not having them was an existential threat to Israel. The hit was therefore ordered by Ben Gurion and executed by Freemasons in the United States, chief among them old skull and bones himself. This is what the whole Bush-funeral-note was about:

Well, it turns out that Trump does intend to release the remaining records in 2021, if he is still President that is. He knows he is surrounded by traitors, knows the truth about the JFK assassination (as well as 9/11). Hence the constant, ongoing Deep State coup against him in the form of the Mueller Hoax, Impeachment Farce and now Coronahoax. Coronahoax, however, is different than the others because here the Deep State crossed all redlines and went from soft-coup to hard-coup. The first two were information psyops, but Coronahoax has actually killed innocent Americans and nearly led to war between us and China.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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