various commenters #transphobia

RE: No, it's not "toxic on both sides."

( hellamomzilla )
Well said.

I would add that the critical side also simply says, “Leave kids alone and let their healthy bodies alone.” This used to be considered the gold standard — raising healthy children. Now you’re only a good parent if you agree to cancer drugs and wrong sex hormones and massive cosmetic surgery, all in the oxymoronic name of “authenticity.”

( DurableBook )
I had a reddit account banned because I said that I think children who express hatred of their bodies or their gender should be given comfort and helped to accept who they are, rather than being told that they should change themselves or their bodies in order to be happy. I was informed this is "conversion therapy rhetoric."

( Committing_Tervery )
I hate how they’ve co-opted that language. It’s the opposite of conversion therapy; it helps someone to be comfortable with who they are instead of trying to convert their body into something different.

( RusticTroglodyte )
It is so absurd and honestly shocking to me that so many ppl think it's just a-OK to tell a little kid they are so fundamentally flawed that they have to change themselves at all costs.

Only a fucking moron would think that stance is in any way healthy or helpful to an insecure child

( DurableBook )
They will be like, no no see the kid came to ME saying they hate their body! I was just AFFIRMING them!

So when your daughter comes to you saying she's fat and she hates herself, you plan to tell her that she is right to feel that way and not to worry because you can get her lipo and diet pills until she is thin, right?

( Althea )
I know, seriously. "Both sides need to stop being so extremist" - it's not extremist to think putting rapists in women's prisons is dangerous, FFS.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Exactly! The "extremist" position is calling men women and women men.

( Iceni )
If women could assemble and speak without the TRAs there wouldn't be any police presence at all. It's just men bullying, intimidating and attacking women. Women aren't doing that to men. Women are simply stating they want men out of their spaces. That the "trans child" phenomenon is not real.

Honestly the piece of garbage who was banging the cymbals in front of the horse should have been arrested.



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