Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

At Lucifer/Enki’s palace–Great Zimbabwe–we see a 12-fathom high tower and the lab he shared with Lilith/Ninmah and Ningishzidda, the genetics team from the planet Nibiru. Here, they created Adamu and Ti-Amat, the first reproducing hybrids adapted from their own Nibiran Homo sapiens genome, a few Homo Erectus genes, some copper and clay 300,000 years ago. Here, too, Enki begat Adapa and Titi–the ancestors of Noah, 200,000 years ago.

There, above the gold mines of the inland plains between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers, the genetics team first adapted their Nibiran genome to Earth to create Ti-Amat, the first adapted homo sapiens woman and Adamu, the first homo sapiens man.
300,000 years ago, Enki, Chief Scientist for the gold mining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, went North, to the Great Rift Valley (southeast Africa) to study an intelligent, fire-using hominoid, Homo Erectus [pictured below], the ancestor of modern Neanderthals (aka Sasquash, Bigfoot, Alma) as key to adaptations Nibirans would need to thrive on Earth. Enki, a Nibiran, and his cohorts on the expedition are 9-12 foot tall Homo Sapiens, much like us but longer-lived.
Erectus reasoned, freed animals from traps. He communicated telepathically rather than speak. Enki thought Erectus 1) evolved on Earth from genetic building blocks Nibiru gave Earth when Nibiru invaded the solar system, or 2) devolved from Homo sapiens colonists on Earth long before 450,000 years ago, or 3) evolved from humanoids terraformers planted on Earth. Erectus, Enki reasoned, would evolve in a few million years into Homo Sapiens. He built a lab in Zimbabwe to see if Erectus’ genes could help adapt the Nibiran genome to Earth
After Enlil evicted the hybrid Earthings from Edin, Enki knew Enlil would limit them and slander him as an evil serpent. So Enki set up the secret BROTHERHOOD OF THE SNAKE for a few Earthings whom he taught facts, technology and advanced thinking



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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