Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

As someone that started out anonymous to shifting to open posting my perspective has also shifted on the value of anonymous versus open posting.

This, in and of itself is a shading of the Soul War America is going through in a crucible of fear and doubt.

The Cancel Your Life and DIE Crowd are still out there.

Spinning their wheels over less and less ground every year.

The impact of their negative activism has gone soft under Dementia Hitler.
There’s only one conclusion I can draw from this amazing surge in support for Trump and his pro-America #Agenda47.

Since it’s clear most voters no longer believe the corrupt, sycophant Mainstream Media, where are these newly won Trump supporters getting their information?
Where is Donald Trump’s Agenda 47 having the most impact in social media?

Not on Instagram, YouTube or TikTok.

It’s Elon’s X App.

Tik Tok and Elon’s X App are now FEEDING off each other’s energy and viewers.

Viral videos you’re seeing on X are almost always TikTok-ers being posted FOR EFFECT.
And of course, how they shut down President Trump on January 7th, 2021.


Until it wasn’t.

History will mark that moment as October 26th, 2022.

That was the high water mark for what Mike Benz called the Censorship Death Star.

Trump is now surging in popularity to such a degree it’s staggering and panicking all those invested in America remaining their captured and prostrate victim.

The Black and Hispanic Voters are breaking free of the PROGRAMMING.

Tucker Carlson is now openly talking about the Soul War.

WHO empowered Carlson after his attempted (they hoped, devastating) cancellation?

Elon Musk’s X App.

WHO Empowered Elon Musk?

WHO provided Elon Musk the incredible opportunities via contracts with the US Government and Military to make him the world’s richest man?



WHO empowered Donald Trump?

This will become self evident during the DARK ZONE you will experience during the aftermath of Trump’s election victory in November through January.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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