CHOoseWisely (“S U I C I D E S O L D I E R”) #wingnut #psycho

The inevitable...

What is to come for Western Society has come for oh so many others, destruction.
The beta uprising will seal the kiss of death not of reconstruction, there is no saving this society, it’s over for every fucking facet of it.

In your lifetime you may witness Sodom and Gomorrah on a nation wide scale, we will see the destruction of all pure and evil.

None will be spared in an all out apocalyptic scenario, granny’s will be shot over a bottle of water, people will starve, buildings will burn, justice is raped, justice is done.

If you’re an American (or even Canadian) buy weapons, medical utilities, canned food and water and other miscellaneous items because when shit hit the fan you want to atleast survive the first wave which will wipe out all the under prepared (like what, 94% of the population JFL).

Get ready, the end is nigh



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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