Maplefields #transphobia

Dear TRAs and Trans people, here’s what I think of you

I just came back from reading a post from one of your subreddits (MtF) where one of your members asked your community what sex is compared to gender. All the replies peaked me again. Every time I listen to trans people, my opinion gets worse. I’m going to keep this as short as possible.

The first word I would describe you as is dangerous, followed by delusional, illogical, and anti science. And you’re a cult too.


You groom children to believe sex is changeable when it isn’t. You prey on the people with mental illnesses and the neurodivergent. Your ideology destroys lives.


Get your clown show away from us. We want a society with healthy, thriving children who will grow up into adults to the full potential of health allotted by the lottery of their genetics—as a BARE MINIMUM.

[...] It’s been barely a century since we’ve had women’s spaces, sports, scholarships all fought for by FEMINISTS, and you’ve eroded it. You narcissists just have to colonize anything that excludes you. Our spaces and programs don’t exist to validate your delusions.

I absolutely hate you. You’re a bunch of misogynists and pedophiles (drag queen story hour is some horror I never imagined I’d one day wake up to find in my public libraries—including that shop teacher, Kayla Lemieux, in Ontario traumatizing children with fetish gear balloon-breasts). And TRAs, you’re included too because transpeople wouldn’t have been able to get away with the destruction of our safeguards and mental health medical evaluations if you didn’t enable and green light it.


Edit 2: Your sex is determined by the evolutionary purpose to produce one of the two gametes, regardless if you manage to succeed in your lifetime. No matter how many of the small sex differences you mimic through medical intervention, YOU WILL NEVER TRANSITION SEXES. A man can’t transition into a woman, and a woman can’t transition into a man. Any physiological changes that occurred from hormones are the result of you artificially creating a hormone imbalance. Just like a woman suffering from PCOS will never be a man (and any less of a woman), neither will a woman shooting up on testosterone be a man, or a man shooting up on estrogen be a woman.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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