various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Woodzun )
@Nature_and_Race “I don't personally care WHY Jews are overrepresented in positions of power and influence in White countries.
My sole concern is that they ARE overrepresented in those positions, and that they have no right to have so much power and influence in White countries.”
Exactly. Why should a White Nation founded by White Europeans, built to be an extension of European Civilization, be dominated by a jewish upper class and so-called “intellectuals? Jews who hate us and have a revenge fantasy that’s been built up over 2000 years due to their own obnoxious/demonic behavior… Gee, I think we are pretty justified in taking an issue with it!
( @ExistentialDreadAndCircus )
@Nature_and_Race Always thought jews pushing equity was hilarious. If America wants to see corporate boardrooms that more accurately mirror society, a metric shit ton of jews need to be let go or demoted. They are simply far too over-represented, as Kanye showed.
Odd that affirmative action hasn’t really led to that many more executives of color, but jewish people have done VERY well under it.
( @Friedrich_Wilhelm_Viktor )
@Nature_and_Race The reason jews are overrepresented is because they are liars. They lied their way into taking control of the central banks, all the way back from the Napoleonic wars era, and from there they used this power over the economy to increase jewish influence in all sectors.
( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race The adl just said jews make up 8 million of the US population. Think about that, 8 million jews have control over the other 331 million people through their 100s of organizations and political PACS while Whites don;t have any organizations or PACS to represent us.
( @Yucca )
@Nature_and_Race There was a time in this country where Protestants and Catholics were predominant which meant that God, family, and country were paramount. Then along came the 60s. The underpinnings of both Christian religions were infected with rot from the outside. Does anyone remember the phrase 'fallen away Catholic'? Think back on that. It should have been a red flag that our founding religion, Christianity, was coming under attack. All part of the plan to bring down the US. The march through our institutions. It should be very clear at this point.