Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #conspiracy

As we move into the end of the year which has an opening of the galactic nodes governed by Sagittarius, the Cosmic Krystal Cathedral activations have begun initiating dragon nodes throughout the planetary grid network. There are ongoing preparations for the Universal Melchizedek Starhuman Coupling made through the original hierogamic union which tells of the ultimate love story. The ancient sacred marriage that occurred during the creation of our Universal Time Matrix as these Two Suns, as Cosmic Creators, were split away from each other eons ago. The Cosmic Father Melchizedek Logos sun star network unites with his counterpart Cosmic Mother Elaysa Melchizedek Logos sun star network, forming into the hierogamic union that reunites our Universe with the Tri-Matrix of Krystal Star and the Cosmic Emerald Dragon Founders.
The Archontic forces of the NAA desire to keep the realms of planet Earth under their control by keeping the collective Soul of humanity mired in dark ignorance and confusion about how the reality works, which creates misalignment through the control of perception in the reality. They interfere with any individual that awakens and wants to seek and align to truth in the Natural Laws, in order to achieve self-realization, peace and spiritual freedom. Whenever there is great spiritual progress being made, these dark hierarchies will do whatever they can to interfere and to manipulate. They lie and attempt to incite fear and self-doubt in the truth seeker, so we must stay vigilant to seek and properly discern truth. Thus, we must be willing to cast away all falsity; whether false ideologies, false identities, or negative ego mechanisms.

When we have greater understanding of the War Over Consciousness, that seeking truth in the Natural Laws and spiritual awakening is under direct attack from a myriad of dark forces and artificial intelligences, then we have the proper context of the current global situation.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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