various commanders #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
The pro-White and anti-jewish awakening is taking off at a rate faster than it has in nearly a hundred years.

As a result, subversive infiltrators are lining up at the door to try and hijack our movement.

It is more crucial now than ever before to be able to distinguish between a genuine pro-White, and a neo-Marxist infiltrator camouflaged as a pro-White.

( @SaxonAnglo )

The pro-White part is the most important. There are anti-joo civnats out there..

( @experienced )
Hitler too lost the war, because of traitors.

( @Awaiting_the_Apocalypse )
I agree.
The amount of anti-Semitism is exploding, but for all the wrong reasons.
The vast majority of people are just following "the current thing", but have no true understanding of what the Jews are doing or have been doing for thousands of years.
This anti-Semitism outbreak will be turned into another holocaust episode to further Jewish victimization and our inability to discuss their criminal behavior.

( @Nthman )
@Nature_and_Race Open discussion of jew crimes, that magically becomes “hate speech”, is what we are seeing more than ever and the criminal syndicate is doing their best to shut that shit down.

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race the way to tell is to separate those who were talking about being pro-White (and black crime and about jews) when it was "not cool" vs those who were badmouthing White nationalists but are now embracing our talking points. That's how you tell. Most of Con Inc are good examples of these grifters.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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