various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
"Exposing Jewish power in American institutions is anti-Semitic. You're not allowed to do it."

One can only wonder why Jews, who have the power in media and government to cancel you for talking about them, want to stop you from talking about them...

( @oharaldb )
@Nature_and_Race I really wonder what jews get registered as in affirmative action in universities? We keep being told there are so many jews in universities because of their high IQ, but if they are not "white people", so get easier in, then it is not IQ, is it?

( @GenesRus )
@oharaldb @Nature_and_Race Here in CA the race based admissions criteria were prohibited by law. But the work around was a percentage system that included family financial status and some other race proxies. And of course a letter of recommendation from UC staff would still carry significant weight. And there is over representation with the jew in staff, and I’ll bet in the admissions department…

(@genukem )
@oharaldb @Nature_and_Race It's not IQ. Faggotry perhaps. They're really not that smart. Not at all. But if you have the whole jew media talking about how smart jews are then you might get that impression. If they were intelligent in any fashion they would not be communist. Nor would they be getting themselves driven out of every thinking nation across the globe. Nobody wants to live near them much less with them. Of course you have to understand the whole semitic nature of the middle east. A lot of muslims are jews. Or rather hebrews. Just from different tribes. Plus a whole lot of jews aren't really jews or heebs, but are just more con-artist pretending to be God's chosen people. It can be quite lucrative.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race As long as they keep publishing articles and tweets and giving a platform for hosts using language that leads to White genocide we're going to keep talking about them.....and that bullshit about "Khazarian mafia" won't work.

( @Hillarysdouble )
@Nature_and_Race of course he’s a dumb faggot jew. Every single time especially if it rhymes with stein.



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