Kalman Wiseman/Rav Stern #fundie #sexist #conspiracy ravberland.com

<Reminder - Eliezer Berland is a convicted serial sexual harasser and rapist>

Perhaps, it was decreed that the Coronavirus was meant to be in the rest of the world, but in Eretz Yisrael, there was not supposed to be any Coronavirus.



Hashem is angry.
If there is someone out there who is capable of freeing Rabbi Berland from prison, that person can save the whole of this people.

Because they have kicked us out of our inheritance. They have kicked us out of our synagogues. This is the churban Beit HaMikdash (destruction of the Temple). They threw us into the streets! HaKadosh Baruch Hu said, I don’t want you!! I don’t want your prayers!! I don’t want your avodat Hashem!!

There is a Tzaddik who is sitting and groaning in prison – and everyone is silent! No-one is opening their mouth! All of a sudden, everyone is struck dumb. No-one is saying anything.

Everyone has been silenced by a roaring silence – but HaKadosh Baruch Hu is not silent!! HaKadosh Baruch Hu is demanding that the insult to his Tzaddik is recompensed, and then who knows, perhaps [Hashem] will be merciful.

We need to cry out to Hashem, and then maybe he will take away from us this terrible gezeira. But we also need to act! We need action!

If we don’t get Rabbi Berland out of prison, then Am Yisrael will be in a huge problem! Chas v’shalom, this can continue to worsen and spread. I don’t want to describe it so as not to chas v’shalom open the mouth of the Satan, but this thing depends on us.
We can save Am Yisrael, RIGHT NOW.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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