[Peggy Wallace, the daughter of the late segregationist George Wallace, is an anti-racist activist.]
Blech! White Guilt Dementia never ceases to amaze--and disgust--me.
Doesn't Wallace realize that if the tables were turned blacks would not hesitate to make life a living hell for Whites every chance they got (which they indeed do in cities all over the US, as well as in Zimbabwe and South Africa)? Does she not realize that most blacks despise her (alleged) Whiteness with every fiber of their beings?
Why isn't John Lewis and his ilk protesting the CURRENT enslavement of their own people in their ancestral continent? Doesn't it seem rather self-serving to worry about hypothetically not being allowed to eat lunch at White-owned establishments when blacks elsewhere in the world are still being kept as chattel?
The mind reels.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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