Francis Galton #crackpot #racist
RE: Genes, Brains, and Intelligence: What’s New?
These findings are about associations between traits in individuals, not ancestry group averages, but if one were to extrapolate within reason, one conclusion could be that group — or racial — phenotypic differences reflect genetic ones. Despite many lies and obfuscations, mainstream science is increasingly siding with the hereditarians on many of their central claims.
Great article. The antiWhite elites are doing their best to suppress the results of intelligence research, but I think when enough people become aware of group differences and their genetic basis, we will reach the critical mass necessary to achieve a massive societal change. As Jim Goad commented in a recent interview with Greg Johnson, we are destroying the entire fabric of our society, because people are too scared to admit that blacks are dumb.
BTW, another excellent book on the subject of human intelligence came out recently. It's called In the Know: Debunking 35 Myths about Human Intelligence by Russell T. Warne. It has not received much publicity, perhaps because it is too honest. The author bravely includes a section about group differences. After apologizing for that reality, he reports that group differences do indeed exist, and a 100% environmental explanation is untenable.
It must be more than environment, Wherever you find blacks in the world you see consistent patterns of behavior. The same goes for other groups, including East Asians and Whites.
Yes. That is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that never gets mentioned.