Various Commenters #racist
RE: California Gets Latino US Senator, Some Black Leaders Angry
(Wake up)
Black San Francisco Mayor London Breed called the Senate decision “a real blow to the African American community.”
Remember the time a White politician said “this is a blow to the White Community”? Neither do I.
(Tony Murphy)
Squabbling over the spoils while the White producers of said spoils stand aside and look on.
”12% of the population we are told but blacks must be in everything?”
The population of BLACK in the USA is actually 11.78% based on the 2020 Census count. They DECREASED in size.
That's because they abort at a greater % than any other group. They also slaughter themselves in violent crimes more than any other group.
Thank God for this!
(Eldridge Davis)
Blacks and Latinos don’t get along. But they put aside their differences on Election Day to vote against the wishes of white people.
So true. We'll see the coming conflict between them as Hispanics take over more and more what blacks think use to be theirs.
Somehow I am not bothered by this. Given I have no use for blacks or Latinos since I see them as they really are. Not as we're told we have to see them.
I would give anything to be a fly on the wall to see them not get those positions when they find out that Trump will get a second term. Wonder what will happen then.
Excuse me.... but Negroes are 6.5 percent of the population of California, but somehow they "deserve" to have HALF the US Senate seats? No bubba. Take a good long drink of the "democracy" you keep saying you want in this country, because 6.5 percent of the population is not going to elect anybody to state-wide office.