Various commenters #wingnut #racist

To help guide White people back to their sense of racial consciousness.

To help reconnect White people with what it means to be White.

To do as much as I possibly can, with what very little I have.

What's your higher purpose? What are you actually striving for?

@Nature_and_Race Hopefully you're making progress. It is ridiculous that all races are allowed racial consciousness, except for your people. It is hypocrisy at its finest.


@Nature_and_Race being irish or english or german means something so we need to go back to ethnicity - white really does mean nothing - just like black means nothing to africans. black means something to slaves - but for white to mean something we have to realize we are slaves to the rothschilds - then say "and we are better than blacks" - which are two things "whites" aren't likely to do until ethnicity comes into it...

The only purpose of white people is to point the entire world to Jesus Christ

@Nature_and_Race wake White people up to the evils of the jew and to make them racially aware and realize that diversity is our weakness not our strength



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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