Brian Niemeier #wingnut #sexist
Watch this video by Mister Metokur about Carl Benjamin's failed stunt candidacy for EU parliament, and you can't help but notice a succession of schoolmarmish shrews scolding male UKIP officials.
While Benjamin is the only one who doesn't storm out or grovel, his smug, self-serving responses manage to botch the situation even worse.
Such vanity was once rightly deemed effeminate. Women see right through the false alpha front and loathe the egoist even more for it. Accepting the other side's egalitarian frame to justify insulting a female MP internet blood sports style just digs him in deeper.
The myriad ills of our age can be traced to (largely childless) women in leadership wielding the whip hand over men who are too effeminate to know how those women secretly wish they'd respond--by exercising virtue.
Confronted with the word "effeminate", modern readers will picture a mincing fop who spends too much time on his hair. That's only one type of what's classically called effeminacy.
In the broader sense, effeminacy is simply when a man fails to cultivate and exercise the virtues in which men are particularly called to excel. Now, men are called to possess all the virtues, but prudence, humility, and fortitude are prime examples of good moral habits that men are designed to master.
If you want to read a book about a man rebelling against a space shrewocracy, pick up my new martial thriller Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40. It's just 99 cents through today, so don't wait. Buy it now!