TheStarlightPrincess #conspiracy
Something in this case and 'methods' for preventing the spread of the infection just doesn't add up. So I get the feeling it's created purposefully. And maybe even the authorities are purposefully not tackling the problem in order to kill more people, doing it it 'secret' of course, having it seem in the media as though things were better arranged than before...
Curious too, was it Wuhan that was the first place where they took 5G into use? And then why is there suddenly so many sick people? Is the virus purposefully placed there where people are weakened? And of course, more people should spread it faster than placing it on a separate less-populated Island, right? Or the least increase the level of "panic" across the world. And that seems the true purpose: create panic, maybe even kill people due to it.
However the true wise people say it affects those who fear. Those who give in to fear and start to panic, become hysteric it's likely to get sick. But when you don't fear, despite the horrible things you hear, see, get to know all the time from it, then you have the shield on to prevent it from harming you. The best shield you can ever get, is trust in yourself. No medecine, vaccination and such product will never get you such strong immunity. However to keep it up it's of course advised to avoid the infected. And now I ask what do 5G and this virus have in common, because 5G is supposed to weaken your immunity system, increasing stress in cell level, so is it that it lessens your ability to root into yourself and that trust in your own immunity system inside you that therefore gets you sick? Because you're more easily shaken by terrible news and negativity around you than to think what is still well? And the constant stress doesn't leave you destroying you from inside out when you don't know the cause and how-to treat it. One may only wonder...
Still, do everything you can to strengthen your immunity and also the mental one, and don't give in for fear! Don't fight it either, because battle vs battle is loss for both. Rather accept the truth and think the purpose of the fear. And when you've found it, forgive it but don't take it in you. Push it away but not with hatred, but with love. Stay safe and strong everyone!