various commenters #wingnut #racist

What makes Jews so dangerous to civilization isn't their ideology.

It's their racial instincts - the things that they're compelled to do by blood.

Jews would be dangerous even if they weren't conscious of the fact that they're Jews, because their DNA is what dictates their actions.

Cuckoo birds don't lay their eggs in the nests of other birds because some book told them to. They do it because their blood compels them too, just as the blood of Jews compels them to corrupt non-Jewish societies and civilizations.

@Nature_and_Race I’ve been saying this for years. Most jews don’t even *know*; but they support their anti-White causes *instinctually*.

The world situation we’re now in, is what happens when that is left to run unchecked. They latch on to powerful goy institutions, weaponize them against each other for their own personal gain, and then (try to) jump ship when the whole thing comes crashing down.

The parasite *always* regards itself as a superior being to its host. After all, if the host was so superior, why did it allow itself to become parasitized in the first place ?

@Nature_and_Race "There isn't a jewish conspiracy because too many people would know!!"

1: All mosquitos have a conspiracy to suck blood

2: Too many people DO know. I'm telling you right now.

@Nature_and_Race When you've been acting as a parasite in every nation you've been in the last thousands of years it's clearly much more than a mere ideology. It's a way of life

@Apophis22 @Nature_and_Race exactly. This is why zionism is such bullshit. Jews will never do productive labour and Israel the country is a parasite funded by White tax payers.

@Nature_and_Race Jews are genetic evil. They can't help it. Jesus challenged them from the very beginning to do good, even promised them if they would that things would go well. But he knew then, and he knew later when he challenged them again that they were incapable. Steal, kill, destroy, lie, accuse, deceive. That's what they do because that is WHO they are.

@Nature_and_Race Jews worry about the innate taste and preferences of whites... They work very hard and suppressing those tendencies in our culture.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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