various commenters #transphobia
( Women1st )
I’ll be the one to say it of this tragedy. Transition did not help the comorbitities.
( overanddone )
neither did major notice or success, in his profession. TERFs will get the blame though.
( Aparallaxia )
'Dysphoria cured', as Exulansic would say. This is such a wretched, miserable story. Only 25...
( darksunset )
Terrible. It all might have been different if he had gotten actual care for his mental health issues instead of turning into a freak show by evil medical professionals.
( TwoXChromosomes )
It occurs to me that if the TRAs would just be amenable to counseling and therapy before jumping straight to irreversible medical procedures, this man might still be alive.
( pennygadget )
The problem is that these young people are lead to believe that transition will magically solve all their other mental health issues. None of these trans ""health care"" workers will dare ask a patient WHY they think they're trans. Nor will they delve into a patient's comorbidities (ie internalized homophobia, sexism, bullying, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, trouble at home, coming from a homophobic religious background, all their friends being trans, etc) before handing out hormones that fuck with brain chemistry.
So, when a kid like this transitions and realizes that his mental health problems are still there despite getting ALL the validation and surgeries and pills he asked for....that has to be a gut punch.
They accuse us TERFs of killing trans people. But they're the ones refusing to treat their REAL problems!
( Agrimonium )
You mean COnVeRsiON tHeRaPY?!?! Seriously the rebranding of therapy as torture when used to support trans-indentidying people is evil. It is causing these stories.