[On a (possibly fake) post featuring an admitted paedophile who happens to be trans]
Another good reason to oppose the trans agenda. This dude goes around raping his daughter but because he claims to be female (I'm sure his cock....sorry lady penis....is still intact though) when he is finally arrested this will be recorded as a female perpetuated rape. It makes me feel physically sick to see people in the comment thread here referring to this child rapist scumbag as "her" and "she".
If we factored out all m2t rapists and all female perpetuated statutory rapes, would there be *any* actual female rapists?
Anyway this dude should spend the rest of his life behind bars and be made to *actually* be trans if you catch my drift lol.
Another good reason to oppose the trans agenda.
This trans person is a rapist, so we should all be anti-trans.
This man is a rapist, so we should all be misandrists.
This American is a rapist, so we should all be anti-America.
This librarian is a rapist, so we should all be anti-libraries.
See how stupid that sounds?
Just one good reason why this broad brush-wielding slime should spend the rest of time being banned from FSTDT, and be made to *rethink * that sad pathetic excuse for a 'life'.
LOL. [/Sauce for the Goose]
@Demon Duck of Doom: "M2T" and "F2T" are TERF terms meaning "male to trans" and "female to trans". From what I've seen, they appear to believe that sex is entirely physical and there's no such thing as gender, so any mental/social differences between men and women are entirely a product of patriarchal conditioning. So "mangling one's body" just turns someone into a freak (the "2T" part).
SO THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT POST! There was this post showing screencaps from Tumblr of a weirdo who said they raped their 5-Year-Old daughter, which then disappeared!
Now I KNOW I wasn't CRAZY for remembering it!
How did someone determine it was fake?
I'm out off the loop on a lot of this. Thanks.
@Demon Duck of Doom
Are you saying that Tumblr removes posts with no notes or that the post itself never existed due to being a photoshop job created by a TERF?
I guess FSTDT removed that quote because it was fake and the Tumblr post was fake. Right?
Well; At least there really wasn't a 5-Year-Old getting molested.
I've come down to the conclusion that TERFs/SWERFs and Extreme RadFems in general are all misandrists....
* They obsess over "The Male Gaze" a lot like it's worse than a root canal without Novocaine (the fact that there's the Female Gaze with it's eyes on hot guys completely escapes them). They see everything as being "For the benefit of the Male Gaze" rather than....y'know...."The lady just feels better when she's dressed up with makeup and sexy/Enjoys having lots of sex/Enjoys working in the Sex Industry/Woman-Friendly Porn Exists". Apparently the only good women and good sex involves two "butch" stereotypes with grooming habits like Wotan's Krieger who dress like truckers doing whatever in private.
* They reject Male Feminist allies. Yup! Reject people who care and who could be the bridge between the Oppressor & Oppressed because they are all apparently Ben Schoen (A faux male Feminist who got stalky with a gal then had a Twitter meltdown) rather than David Futrelle (A real male Feminist).
* They hate Transwomen because they see them as incognito men in drag who want to rape women and subvert Feminism. They hate Transmen because they see them as sellouts and go "Why would you want to be one of those icky....MEEEEENNN? *barfs*".
In a nutshell; TERFs and SWERFs are not true Feminists.....They're Female Supremacists who hate men.
Let's cut to the chase and call the sexists on both sides what they really are....
* "TERFS and SWERFs" are Female Supremacists (or F.S's).
* "MRAs/PUAs/MGTOWs/The Manosphere/etc." are Male Supremacists (or M.S's).
Heck; Concerning other forms of STUPID....
* "Alt-Rightists" are really Neo-Fascists.
Forget these sanitized euphemisms! Call them what they are!
[NOTE: In the future, when I refer to initials like W.S's, B.S's, A.S's, etc. I'm referring to 'White Supremacist', 'Black Supremacist', 'Asian Supremacist', etc., respectively.]
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