Thomas Huizinga and Jill Wisland #fundie #dunning-kruger

(Talking about the plagues/exodus)

Thomas Huizinga: Also you have to remember that if their isn't evidence that doesn't mean it didn't happen then, at one point Troy was thought to be a myth until they found evidence that said otherwise. So until they find evidence, they can neither prove of disprove it.

And that Evidence will be hard to find given the situation, the Jewish moving to Israel happened within a Generation so artifacts from that type of movement would probably be rare. Egypt maybe had records, but it's major Library burnt down before modern historians had the chance to read their texts so the only written records, besides the Bible, were turned to ashes. Also if this is a response to the comment I'm thinking off, Egyptian pride probably prevent writing down such an event as their pantheon of deities and their Pharaoh were brought down to their knees by a dirty man from the desert that claimed to be speaking on the behalf of the god of their slaves. But maybe it was written down, but like i said it was probably burnt to ash when Egypt's Library did.

Jill Wisland: but there is evidence of the Israelites in Egypt, it just doesn't fit the historical timeline laid out by historians. There is a small pyramid tomb that has a statue of a man dressed in multicolored clothes just like Jacob's favorite son Josephn who ended up second to Pharoah just before a major drought and famine, during which the Israelites moved to Egypt, a generation or so later, Israel was flourishing and the Eagyptians dis liked this so they enslaved the Israelites. There is evidence of a large group of sheep herders living in a northern area of Egypt close to where the Bible says they settled in. The problem is the saying is all wrong, the Pharoah wasn't Rameses, but another. And the Egyptians have written about it, vaguely. And why would the exodus happen during the calm and prosperity of Rameses? According to the Bible when the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians gave enormous amounts of gold, silver, and precious gems to them. Once the Israelites were gone Egypt would have been a weak, and poor nation.



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