Various commenters #wingnut
Well, r/abortion is openly a “pro-abortion” sub. I thought it was was a “pro-choice” sub, but they’re actually going farther and Promoting abortion. She was asking for ideas from both pro-life and pro-choice people and got this response. An important difference.
Reddit it pro-abortion.
Well, technically pro-money, but Satan gives money to those who bow to him. Even Jesus was offered that.
Prochoice and proabortion mean the same thing, yeesh I wish everyone would stop acting like it's different. Imagine if someone said "omggg they're not.prilife they're anti abortion", like hellooo, duh are u dumb
They’re actually different in important ways. Pro-choice people are okay with killing innocent human beings, but they at least believe the woman should have a choice in the matter and to be informed of her other options. Pro-abortion people are actually looking to push and promote abortion, to make it more wide spread.
Proabortion support legal abortion, period . U can think all kinds of connotations about the word that you want but that is what it means, they're literally synonymous. Promoting abortion doesn't mean you don't support a woman keeping her child, legally anyway. Pro choice doesn't mean you don't have opinions of women's living situation and choices when it comes to having a child, it just means that you support abortion ....stop acting like they're separate. They are one in the same
They admit it again and again. I hate their guts so fucking much. I hate the fact that they're never going to pay. Probably.
Can we stop using the word pro-choice when the only person who has a choice is the person considering premeditated murder? Is there anyone in the world who would label a person who is committed one to several premeditated murders pro choice?