various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @KeepNHGranite )
Allow me to translate from 'Greenblatt' to 'English:'

Dear Blacks,

You're only allowed to hate White people.

All of us at the ADL are ready to destroy your future if you step out of line.

spoilerThe Black and Jewish
communities have so much in
common, it's critical that we
come together and heal so
that we can stop the spread
of hate. All of us at @ADL
ready to engage towards a
better future for all

( @CorRuPtEd_USA )


( @CharlesPNW )

Things in common;

-Bitch and moan constantly

-Nobody wants them around

-Huge undeserved egos

-No style, tacky clothes and gaudy jewelry

-Will kill you for $15

-Take sick pleasure in debasing women

-Endless blood libel of Whites

( @Sergio4ever )
@CharlesPNW @KeepNHGranite don't forget to add they both stink

( @Bejabbers )
@CharlesPNW @KeepNHGranite And big noses, jews’ are long and niggers’ are wide

( @AntiSatanic )

( @DirGatory )

( @isebellin )

Dear black people

The black and the Jewish communities have so much in common… We Jews used to own you…

We both like free shit … White peoples stuff…

And blaming all our crimes and mistakes on White people…

Nosferatu G

( @DeplorableDays )
@KeepNHGranite the jew and the negro got to know one another during the cruise from Africa to America. 🤨



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