Sidney Secular #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

OMNIPRESENT MIASMATIC ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS: It’s basic science that when electrons (as electricity) move through wires, a magnetic field is created in the space around the wires. We know that our bodies contain their own natural magnetic fields and even auras, and that the said artificial magnetic fields (EMFs) interfere with the functioning of our bodies and its fields. Studies show that a higher incidence of various diseases occur when the outside magnetic fields are both strong enough and close enough to the body to create such influences.

The introduction of electricity in the 1800s revolutionized human societies, allowing for the development of sophisticated technologies, and equipment and instruments that utilized these technologies.
In 1918, the era of radio wave broadcasting began. Hundreds of powerful radio antennas were erected emitting radio waves at the LF and VLF frequencies, that soon became omnipresent in the earth’s magnetic field, something that you realize when you turn on your radio. The beginning of this era coincided with the Spanish Flu pandemic but no connection between the two was ever noted since it was easy to blame living pathogens (“bugs”) that had become the paradigm in the rhetoric of disease causation at the time – something it still basically is. This somewhat avoids taking responsibility for one’s health in the adoption of a better diet, more exercise and rest and other healthful habits.
Nearly constant exposure to cellphones, even if only in purses and not in pockets located on the body proper, has been linked to increases in levels of disease.
Since the greens are pushing to have electrical appliances and motor vehicles replace the ones that have operated via fossil fuels up to now, we can expect a further spike in the maladies associated with the “invisible rainbow”.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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