Women did not create feminism, men did. It was part of the plan of the Frankfurt school, in combination with the plan to destroy the family and reduce the number of white children born to couples. In addition, another salary could be taxed, allowing for the transfer of even larger amounts of $$ from the middle class.
Most women were too busy caring for their children to participate in suffrage or bra-burning ceremonies put in motion by a few upstart jewesses. Had the political will existed, the idea could have been crushed before it even began.
MEN of a certain political and ethnic group were responsible for the introduction of feminism, partly to destroy the family but also the partriarchy, weaken Christianity, and numerous other reasons. To suggest women “grabbed power” is ludicrous, similar to suggesting that black slaves protests ended slavery, or blacks marching and MLK were responsible for civil rights - these were convenient small groups that were politically expedient for the cause of destroying white men and the power they held - legitimately - as the creators of the USA and all advanced western civilization.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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