Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut

RE: If libfems existed in olden Chinese footbinding era


spoilerIf modern libfems existed in pre-20th century China they would be like "Foot binding is a choice! Some women find it empowering! I do it for myself!" and then nothing would ever get done.


I really feel like liberal feminism is a distraction. They see themselves through the eyes of men.

I think they want to see themselves as "nice". They don't want other women to feel bad about wearing heels, selling nudes on Only Fans, etc; so they have to pretend its all valid self expression so nobody thinks they're meanies

At this point they're more than useless, they're actively harmful. It boggles my mind they actually view themselves as "nice".

Nice to who? Not women.

Liberal "feminism" is just learning to enjoy your subjugation under a new label (i.e hijab, prostitution, domestic violence relabelled as kink, etc).



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