Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy christorchaos.com

[From "Modernism's Own Geiger Counter"]

“Archbishop” of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude Hollerich[…]receive the Abraham Geiger Prize, which is awarded to those who promote the work of the founder of “Reform Judaism,” Abraham Geiger, to reconcile religions to each other as they accommodate themselves to the events of the world
Abraham Geiger’s “Reform Judaism” sought to accommodate Talmudic belief and practice to the “thought of the “Enlightenment”[…]One does not need any kind of advanced degree in theology or philosophy to recognize this is exactly what Modernists have sought to do, first within the Catholic Church
Jean-Claude Hollerich revealed why he is such a worthy recipient of the Abraham Geiger Prize as he, like his fellow lay Jesuit revolutionary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, believes in the “progress” of dogma and a “re-interpretation” of the Gospel in light of the needs of “modern man”
Jean-Claude Hollerich believes that the sheep must lead the shepherds, not Christ the King and His immutable teaching[…]One sees the very embodiment of Pope Saint Pius X’s warning that the Modernists advance a “most pernicious doctrine which would make of the laity the factor of progress in the Church”
The Talmudists helped to create the world of Modernity by inspiring and guiding the leading figures of the Protestant Revolution[…]has quite indeed given free reign to the adversary in the place of Christ the King
It is because Catholics have been silent about the doctrinal and moral evils of the today that they have grown to accept them, participate in them and to consider the fact of their legal protection to be irrelevant to the promotion of the common temporal good
The entire Protestant English enterprise was seized by Jews, who were instrumental in forming the Grand Lodge of York Rite Masonry in England in 1717



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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