Albatros #crackpot #sexist

JFL ITcels cope, seethe and deny biology and insult a scientist for agreeing with incels.

Evolutionary Biologist: Many men will no longer find a sexual partner

This is from an interview that featured Meike Stoverock, a feminist and evolutionary biologist.

She argues that patriarchy is an aberration in history and a return to feminism will entail the elimination of monogamy (which unnaturally secures male sexual access) and increased competition between males where only a few will enjoy the privilege of mating and reproduction. She goes on to say that "incels" have always existed and that the recent growth of the movement is due to the shift away from male and toward female dominance. She says that unless society finds a way to satisfy the sexual urges of the majority of romantically hapless men, an increase in violence among those from their ranks is inevitable.

An evolutionary biologist explains how incels are a natural phenomenon for men with bad genetics. ITcels react accordingly.

Anyone on this sub knows incels don't get dates because of toxic personalities and limited social lives, not "bad genetics" (which is a concept that doesn't even exist. A biologist should know better smh.) This woman is a disgrace to the fine science of evolutionary biology.

Bad genetic apparently don't exist :lul: This is coming from the "I fucking love science:soy:" types who suddenly don't like it when they disagree with a scientific theory. ITcucks in that thread go as far as saying outrageous shit like "personality" "there are no bad genes" and feel confident enough in knowing better than an actual evolutionary biologist. They just don't want to admit they're wrong no matter what. They're going to shit on actual scholars because for their sake they HAVE to be wrong. They blackpill MUST NOT be true. They are too emotionally invested into the bluepill for it to be wrong.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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