President “Turkmenbashi” Saparmurat Niyazov #psycho #crackpot #god-complex
Fate gave me the role of being leader of Türkmenistan at the juncture of the second and third millennia. The burden of the responsibility of taking my people from the last years of the second millennium, in which things did not go well, to the summits of the third millenium fell onto my shoulders.
This position and responsibility, which have been given to me without my asking, have motivated me to call up my spiritual, intellectual and physical strength that Allah granted me with and use them as a societal force to achieve progress in my country. I understand that it is necessary to call up not only my own strength but also all the national spiritual strength given to the whole Türkmen nation. Indeed, throughout history which connects one generation to the others, there is a law of individual-society relations: the power which has been generated by the society in one era comes to life in an individual matured in the same nation at a later point. This should not be put to keeping people where they are but to come back with a different outlook and raise them to the summits. I dedicate Ruhnama, my desired and expected book, to my people. Although the demand for a book such as this has come from our generation, this is not a problem which has only surfaced in recent history. The Türkmen generations before us, even though they did not make such demands explicitly, felt the necessity of spiritual principles which will not lead our generation to divide and disappear. Each individual comes to the fore with the symbols that constitute its core: the commander holds a weapon, the poet holds a pen, the doctor holds a remedy. The President, as historical character, writes his guidelines and come to the fore with these.
My main guideline is Ruhnama. As a systematic worldview, Ruhnama is the core of all my political, economic and life targets, with civil content and methods of use in different areas of society.