various commenters #transphobia

Word cisgender is now a slur on Twitter, says Elon Musk | Toronto Sun

( the_empress )
I don’t like Elon, but this is good.

Cis irritates me so much. And the people throwing it around are the same people who use the word white or Karen in the same way. Sanctimonious little shits.

*And the irony is these people are also uh white.

( 324B21 )
I can just imagine how much TRAs would be blubbering if they were banned from Twitter for saying cis and cisgender 😂

( sarstan )
They are blubbering today. They can still use it too, they just might get in trouble for using it on us when we've said no.

( HelenaHandbasket )
Well, there's the problem right there. They can't wrap their tiny little male brains around the idea that they need to ask a mere woman for consent before doing something.

( sarstan )
The entire trans "community" can't wrap their brains around that. I think they'd call it "anti-trans".

( proudcatlady )
It is not a slur. No one screams CIS while beating you to death. Words mean things.

( TurkishCoffee )
Die cis scum, cissies etc not ding any bells for you?

Words do mean things. Cis is a slur screamed and hurled meaning "lesser than".

( RusticTroglodyteSnazzy )
It's a "slur" the same way calling a trans identified man a "biological male" is a slur. If they want to whine about that, they can respect our request to not be called "cis"



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