psiandco #homophobia #wingnut
(due to the post being too long, I had to shorten it up a bit)
Love is not love, and Sex is not love.
Some words have had their dictionary meanings perverted since the 80's.
Namely the words Love, Marriage and Sex.
Love is not the state of being sexually attracted to someone. No.
That is not love, sexual attraction is lust.
Love is the feeling of a bond a person can share with another living being, yet unlike other sentiments - Love has to be consensual and mutual!
Love is nurtured and grows over time, the bond becomes stronger.
Marriage is the institution that takes two human adults who are in "Love", one man, one woman, and declares them a new "family". Marriage is intended to be a life long bond, and serves the purpose of creating children and providing for their care until that care is no longer needed.
Now, I want you to understand why sex is not love.
Sex specifically is the act to produce offspring. Humans have two genders and only two. Any claim of something different is a lie and justification for depravity. To produce offspring it takes one man and one woman to perform the act of sex.
Any manipulation of the genitals to achieve orgasm or sexual release, that does not produce children is in fact a form of masturbation. it doesn't matter who, how many, or what you do it with. You are a sexual deviant if your efforts to produce an orgasm can never produce children.
Consensual masturbation is not "sex", and neither is it "love".
Twisting language and creating terminology, "look at it this way" arguments and other efforts to justify perversions needs to be stopped.