various commenters #transphobia

Are conversations with TIMs impossible?

( hontrapoints )
There's no point. He's a lost cause and probably has a creepy degenerate side he's keeping hidden from you.

It's better to cut your losses before he starts stealing your clothing and other intimate items or starts skin walking you

TIMs are all raging narcissists

( stabby )
You're right. I decided today to take steps to finally back away from this nightmare. He's already told me that he wants to look like me, and he told me some creepy degenerate things that were his "first inclination he's trans" (eyeroll). At the time I was blindly tying to be a good friend, pushing aside the cognitive dissonance of it all, but I am finally done.

( hontrapoints )
I totally understand. Prior to peaking, I'd somehow consistently managed to attract TIM friends and always tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, wanted to believe they had pure intentions for wanting to be a woman, and were actually suffering from dysphoria. I tried to dismiss the disgusting things they'd say as being "awkward."

They all ended up being creeps. And it took me until peaking to realize just how creepy they all were. [...]

I wholesale dropped contact with every TIM I even had the vaguest familiarity with and I'd suggest every woman should do the same.

( Owlchaser )
TIM reality is based on a lie. They also have a narcissistic need to force other people to see things exactly how they do and as you mention above, their mental illness takes precedent over everything else.

So not only can you have true conversations, because everything always has to stay within the boundaries of what they deem to be acceptable, but everything always has to revolve around them because of their inner dysfunction. He can't have a conversation when he needs affirmations every 2 seconds, and when reality itself is painful to discuss (due to whatever reason, including the toddlerish tantrums of not being able to always have one's way).

( mathlover )
You can't have a reasoned discusssion with cult members or inveterate narcissists. And the men who larp as "women" are both. This man is not capable of a mutually respectful equal relationship and is deeply mysogynist. There is nothing positive about him being in your life; he will do as much damage as he can as long as you continue the relationship. Excise him, like you would a malignacy.



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