Jesse Watters #wingnut

From the January 7, 2025, edition of Fox News' The Five

JESSE WATTERS (CO-HOST): This is like Tyrus, Tyrus' neighborhood. And Tyrus is kind of like the neighborhood watch. The one-man neighborhood watch. And he happens to also have the biggest house in the neighborhood, and he also happens to be a trillionaire. And one day Tyrus takes a stroll in the neighborhood. Looking around, and he sees a house that is next door that he likes. And he knocks on the door. Knock, knock. "How much?" "Oh, this house is not for sale." "Of course it is. How much?" "Oh, this house is not for sale." "Well, I can take it by force, or you guys can sleep on it and maybe tomorrow you can tell me what the price is"

That's where we are with Trump. He's America's real estate tycoon. So he's testing the waters, he's flexing his muscle[…]And I think the grand strategy is create a North American trade, energy, and security network that gets the best terms for us. Now, I looked into Greenland

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): No, you didn't

WATTERS: I did. So the pros of Greenland, a lot of minerals -- great, you could project a lot of force to counter Russia through there. But it's also a very poor country, and we basically do whatever we want there anyway. It would really piss off Denmark and all of Scandinavia and it would ruin our access to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. I did study, Greg

And then in terms of Panama, yes, I definitely think they need to reduce the transit rates, because we are getting ripped off every time we sail through there, but I don't want to occupy that stupid country, it's run by cartels. It'd be a mess

Canada. At first I wanted it, and I tried to divide it into two states. And then I realized we'd be adding Montana basically for the Republicans, and electorally, like, a Texas for the Democrats, and I don't like that. But the fact that they don't want us to take them over makes me want to invade. I want to quench my imperialist thirst



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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