Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie

It's Simple: The West Is Ruled By Pedo Luciferians Who Use Islam And Liberalism As Tools To Destroy Christianity And Create an NWO

You cannot rise be in a position of real power unless you are part of the club. They indoctrinate you into pedophilia, its the perfect tool to blackmail you.

- Jimmy Savile
- Franklin scandal

This stuff goes right to the top.

They are Luciferians not Satanists. They believe Lucifer is the good guy, bringing the world knowledge and freedom to do as you want. They believe the Christian God is the bad guy.

They believe everyone but them are cannon fodder clueless sheep.

They are trying to destroy nationalism and borders through trade agreements, multiculturalism and propaganda.

They hate Christianity and will ship in Muslims to western countries in order to destroy it.

They want an NWO of no borders where they will rule the world. We will all be serfs who won't legally be able to own land.

They might even be trying to recreate The Tower or Babel by creating CERN to open a doorway into the abyss.

Putin knows all this, he is heavily outgunned by he is not dumb. Never thought I'd see the day where Russia was the light of the world, but here we are.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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