ChristMasIsALie #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy

What they didn’t tell you about “Christmas” is not simply trivial or incidental. In fact, it could be the most explosive thing you have ever heard, if you are a “Christian”. Because what you were not told, is what could change your opinion as to whether you ever wish to do it again.

To the people censoring that information, making sure that you do it, no matter what it really is, is much more important to them, than your future, or even your “eternal destiny”.
They really don’t care what happens to you, as a result of your “elbowed-forced” compliance to them. (Even if it “demonizes your children”, “kills both you and them” or “sends you both altogether to hell” after you die) They really really really do not care.

And just in case, you "get it confused" or "twisted" as a result of accidentally believing in their "propaganda", "peace on earth, goodwill toward men".
They will explain it, they will illustrate it, and they will even punctuate it with a few choice profanities. (All in “honor of Christ”, of course) ...The “Christ” born on December 25th, that is.
A very strange thing happened in the history of the western Church. The idea came to be believed that “secretly” Christ and the Antichrist were the same thing. The whore of Babylon and the bride of Christ, were “secretly” the same thing. And that “Christ” and “Lucifer” were “secretly” the same thing.

So by doing “both” at the same time, the Church was appropriating the promises of “power” spoken about the “Antichrist”. Therefore by “sacrificing itself” to BE those same two opposite things, at the same time, they were “conquering the world” (for “Christ”).. the "Christ" of December 25th.

But it was the “Christ” of the gnostics, not the one of the New Testament. Thus the difference. And in believing what the New Testament prophesied was going to be “the great delusion”, it also fulfilled the very prophecies concerning the coming of the “Antichrist” and it’s deception on earth, and its global rule over the world.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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