Cliff Kincaid #wingnut #conspiracy

They say “elections have consequences,” except when President Trump tries to implement conservative policies. The federal courts are full of Obama and Biden judges and the Supreme Court is led by a “Republican,” John Roberts, who teamed up with a Trump nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, and both sided with the three liberals to dictate continued foreign aid boondoggle spending to the tune of $2 billion.

These five anti-Trump judges carried the day and President Trump complied with their orders.

Now, President Trump is pleading with Roberts to save his presidency from a group of federal judges working under Roberts’ protection and perhaps direction and whose objective is to reassert the “power” of the judicial branch over elected presidents of the United States.

Trump is walking into a trap. He has received very bad advice from his lawyers and political aides.

In order to understand the judicial power grab now taking place, usually described as “Judicial Supremacy,” watch my interview with J.B. Williams of the North American Law Center on my Rumble TV channel. He notes that the Democrats are using lawfare, or legal maneuvers of obstruction and interference, to defeat the Trump agenda that 77 million American voters endorsed.

It turns out that Roberts is a member of a special club that includes prominent left-wing judges. Revelations on the X platform by an independent conservative investigative journalist known as “Bad Kitty” have identified the members and their secretive ways.
As J.B. Williams says, the Administration should have declared, in advance, that any rulings that impinge on the constitutional powers of the executive branch would be declared null and void.

President Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. So why isn’t he defying left-wing activist judges undermining his policies? They do not have a monopoly on the correct view of the Constitution.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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