Various Incels #sexist

Blackpill Unattractive men earn less than unattractive women

Found another interesting study on attractiveness and income, it would seem that unattractive men actually earn below unattractive women, and that the wage disparity between the wages of attractive men and unattractive men is actually larger than the disparity between men and women


Ugly men get discriminated. No news tbh.

Yeah but the usual claim is that they still have it better than ugly women, which is literally not true with evidence to back it.

(your personality)
It never was true. Ugly males are bullied way more often and persistently than ugly women are, it's not even close.

That curve is brutally steep, whereas the one for femoids is a gentle upward slope.

More evidence of the blackpill if anything.

Not just money, ugly women have hundreds of dating options

CLOSE THE WAGE GAP. Oh wait... It doesn't matter if it's the other way around from what we usually hear. Just *crickets*

This is the real wage gap.

Being an ugly man is the worst card you can get



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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