Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired FBI Agent who was walked out of the FBI Headquarters Building two weeks ago, and who said, falsely, to Facebook and the Media that the Laptop from Hell was Russian Disinformation, has been a greater source in convincing people that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged than even the tapes of millions of ballots being stuffed into the voting machines - “2000 Mules.”So they spy on my campaign, Rigged & Stole the Election, and go after me for doing nothing wrong. Only in America!!!

@realdonaldtrump XI. Now listen to Obama himself saying: "I was not born in Hawaii. I wasn't born in United States. I come from Kenya." Then call people he is able to fool as naive. He also told his audience how easy it is to lie to people and/or to be dishonest. Video is credited to whoever posted it on the internet.

@Joannjgpwwg1wga @realdonaldtrump Never forget Americans => Gay black Muslim Soros' puppet, Kenya-born 💩 🐍 Obama (aka: Barry Soetoro and Harrison J. Bounel) was never really the President. Soros, Jarrett (aka: Obama's Handler), Hillary Clinton, Biden, Brennan, Rice, Pelosi, "tranny" Michael Obama, CIA, FBI, and the NWO/Globalists/WEF were the acting Presidents during fraud Obama's illegitimate 8-year term. Obama is/was a fraud, fake, phony, and 💩 parasite. All of Barry Obama's fake background and records need to be unsealed now. @USA @DeSantis2024 @RealMarjorieGreene @LaurenBoebert @DrPaulGosar @wendyrogersaz @RandPaul @tedcruz @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

@realdonaldtrump Fuck you Mr Warp Speed. You're a piece of shit. You poisoned the world in warp speed. Locked American down while called them un-essential. While you funneled billion to the governor and hospital to expand the medical tyranny murdering Americans with fauci's covid protocols.
You continue to whine about the "stolen election" which you allowed to happen under your emergency declaration! Anyone who believe any of this happened by accident is a complete fool. You're a deep-state conman, a globalist shill. FUCK YOU!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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