If Infidelity Were Made Illegal, Should It Apply To Men As Well As Women?
This is an interesting topic because I've seen a fair number of users wish for cheating in marriage or in general to be criminalized or otherwise forbidden. I always laugh at this ridiculousness because cheating is the alpha thing to do if you're a man, and especially if you've been starved of sex for most your life and finally have multiple women desiring you, as would be the situation if the laws of the blackpill were twisted and any of us miraculously ascended.
Yes, if you want to make infidelity illegal, it must be illegal for you , too. Bloody hypocrites with their bloody double standards.
Also, if “cheating is the alpha thing to do”, I am once again proud to be a Beta.
If Infidelity Were Made Illegal, Should It Apply To Men As Well As Women?
Yes! While infidelity shouldn’t be illegal at all (just mildly immoral), men and women should still be held to the same standards.
I mean, think for once in your life, incels. The whole “a man is only a man if he banged countless women” mentality is the very thing that makes you incels, well, incels! It’s the very reason you guys are miserable, you morons!
Romello Gaghan 2: "If 'infidelity' is defined as what it really means - a wife cucking her husband by letting another man fuck her, thus putting her husband at risk of wasting his time raising the other man's child, which he believes is his - then infidelity should be illegal, yes!!"
Male infidelity should get a pass.
As long as the men are only screwing other men.
Then it's just 'boys will be (with) boys.'
If there's a woman involved, though, it's a violation of vows of fidelity.
@Malingspann #31813
I still don’t see how raising a child not “his” is supposed to be a waste of time. Blood shared or otherwise, he’s still imbuing his ideals unto the child, right? Certainly more meaningful than maintaining the genetic chain.
Yes, laws apply for everyone.
How is this an interesting topic? If something is illegal, it’s illegal for everyone!
It’s more or less morally forbidden to cheat on your spouse. If it comes out you have been cheating, you will be looked down on as, ya know, a cheat, and a liar.
Alpha is what’s ridiculous. We are not wolves in captivity, so “alpha” and “beta” does not apply to humans.
There are no “laws of the blackpill”. It’s all imaginary bullshit, twisted silliness from a rather silly science fiction movie.
Most of you seem to “miraculously” ascend, once you’ve matured a bit and realized that women are people too, individuals just like you.
@Skyknight #31826
I agree! The one who just had three seconds of bliss and then left, is much less important to a child’s whole life, than the one being there for the child every day, teaching it, laughing with it, building tree-houses and whittling flutes together (or whatever). In short, being a PRESENT dad is more important than mere biology.
Blood shared or otherwise, he’s still imbuing his ideals unto the child, right?
To plenty of people throughout history and today, it’s passing on the BLOODLINE that’s important.
Fathers wanting to make sure that their heirs really are ‘their own flesh and blood’, because if they’re not, the father would, in his mind, be passing on whatever he would pass on in material wealth or social position to an ‘impostor’.
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